Chapter 1-5 Section 1 Lesson 1

Here are the topics that will cover in tonight’s meeting

  • Evaluating a piecewise-defined function

  • Evaluating functions: Absolute value, rational, radical

  • Finding an output of a function from its graph

  • Finding inputs and outputs of a function from its graph

  • Finding values and intervals where the graph of a function is zero, positive, or negative

  • Distance between two points in the plane: Exact answers

  • Domain and range from the graph of a continuous function

  • Domain and range from the graph of a discrete relation

  • Domain and range from the graph of a piecewise function

  • Domain and range from the graph of a quadratic function

  • Domain of a rational function: Excluded values

  • Domain of a rational function: Interval notation

  • Domain of a square root function: Advanced

  • Domain of a square root function: Basic

  • Finding the domain of a fractional function involving radicals